Pine Needle Tea

White Pine Twigs
White Pine, fun to forage in the Winter

Today’s Tea: Fresh White Pine needles and some dried Rose Hips.  So simple, so delicious.  I picked up a few wind-fallen pine twigs, pulled the needles off and cut them up into a quart jar.  Threw a handful of dried Rose Hips in the jar, topped it off with almost-boiling water, capped it to keep those volatile oils in, and steeped it for a couple hours to get as much vitamin C as possible.  It’s mild and smooth, and I drink it hot or cold.  I noticed when it was cold I could taste more of the tartness of the Rose Hips, but either way it’s refreshing and nourishing.

Pine and Rose Hip Tea

You can use most Pines and Spruces for teas, with the exception of Yew, Ponderosa Pine, and Norfolk Island Pine.  In addition to having lots of Vitamin C, pine needle teas help loosen congestion and are high in antioxidants.  Good stuff!


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